European Methodists strengthen world unity at the World Methodist Conference in Sweden

Bishop Alsted and Rev. Rusyn - "Training pastors in the middle of war" at the EMC Exhibition Stand, Gothia Towers, Gothenburg. Photo by Antonio Montano. Used by permission.

The European Methodist Council (EMC) played a significant role in the 22nd World Methodist Conference, held from August 13-18, 2024, at Gothia Towers in Gothenburg, Sweden. This event marked the first global gathering of the Methodist, Wesleyan, and related United and Uniting church families since August 2016 in Houston, Texas. The conference provided a platform for worship, dialogue, and reflection on faith and social justice under the theme “On the Move – Migration, Pilgrimage, and Guiding Lights.” Originally scheduled for an earlier date, the conference, alongside the World Methodist Council meeting, was postponed for three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Uniting Church in Sweden, a member of the World Methodist Council, co-hosted the event with support from The United Methodist Church in Norway and Denmark.

Rev. Dr. (MD) Yulia and Rev. Oleg Starodubets (Ukraine) - "Being Church in a country at war". Photo by Antonio Montano. Used by Permission

The EMC actively contributed to the conference by hosting an exhibition stand that highlighted the vibrant life and mission of Methodist, Wesleyan, and Uniting Churches across Europe. This exhibition became a focal point for interaction, where speakers, hosts and facilitators from various European countries engaged with visitors, sharing inspiring stories of their efforts to promote peace, justice, and environmental stewardship throughout the continent. The exhibition underscored the EMC's ongoing commitment to addressing critical issues such as climate change, migration, and the pursuit of peace and justice, strengthening the ties within the worldwide Methodist family.

A key highlight for the EMC at the conference was the appointment of several European leaders to the World Methodist Council's Steering Committee for 2024-2029. These appointments reflect the EMC's dedication to worldwide Methodist unity highlighting the unique contributions of European Methodism to the broader Christian community. Among those appointed were: Mr. Doug Godfrey-Swanney, Connexional Secretary of the Methodist Church in Britain and EMC Co-Chair, as Regional Officer for Europe; Bishop Rosemarie Wenner of the Germany Central Conference of the United Methodist Church as Geneva Secretary; Ms. Stefanie Gabuyo, EMC Support Officer and Pioneer Mission Leader at the Methodist Church in Ireland, as the Youth and Young Adults Committee Chair (Coordinator); and Rev. Dr. Heather Morris, General Secretary of the Methodist Church in Ireland, as a member of the Nominations Committee.

Mr. Doug Godfrey-Swanney

Ms. Stefanie Gabuyo 

Rev. Dr. Heather Morris

The EMC also extended its congratulations and prayers to the newly appointed WMC General Secretary, The Revd. Dr. Reynaldo Ferreira Leão Neto (known as Léo) of the Methodist Church in Britain, and WMC President, Bishop Debra Wallace Padgett of the United Methodist Church, as they begin their leadership of the World Methodist Council for 2024-2029.

Slate of Officers and Chairs for the 2024 – 2029 Quinquennium of the World Methodist Council (Nominations Committee Report)

The Revd. Dr. Reynaldo Ferreira Leão Neto (known as Léo) – General Secretary

Bishop Debra Wallace Padgett, The United Methodist Church, USA – President

Mr. Joshua Rathnam, The Church of North India, - Vice President

Rev. Myron Howie, African Methodist Episcopal Church, USA – Treasurer

Regional Officers

Mr. Doug Godfrey-Swanney, The Methodist Church in Britain. (Europe)

Ms. Andrea Gutierrez, Methodist Church in Uruguay. (South America)

Rev. Dr. Jean Hawxhurst, The United Methodist Church, USA (North America)

Most Rev. Bannie Manga, Methodist Church of The Gambia (Africa)

Mr. Richard Tsang, Methodist Church, Hong Kong (Asia)

Rev Brett Jones, Wesleyan Methodist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

Mr John Delaney, (Youth and Young Adult) Methodist Church of Caribbean & the Americas

Youth and Young Adults President: Samuel Murillo, Methodist Church Mexico


Geneva Secretary: Bishop Rosemarie Wenner, Germany Central Conference United Methodist Church

Committee Chairs

Education and Theological Education: Rev. Dr. Connie Semy Mella, The United Methodist Church Philippines Central Conference

Ecumenical and Inter-religious Relationships:

Social And International Affairs: Rev Dogbeda Kpavuvu, Methodist Church Togo

Evangelism: Bishop Daryl Starnes, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church USA

Youth and Young Adults Co-ordinator: Ms Stefanie Gabuyo, Methodist Church in Ireland

To achieve a greater balance of diversity additional members of Steering Committee

Rev Tara Tautari, Methodist Church of Aotearoa New Zealand

Rev Miguel Angel Ulloa Moscoso, (Youth and Young Adults) Methodist Church in Chile


FMIE Project List 2024